Module 8

120hr Online TEFL



Teach English to Young Learners & Teenagers

This module is an introduction to Teaching English to Young Learners and Teenagers and is intended to
give you a brief idea of what is expected of a Younger Learners teacher. For the comprehensive TEYLT
course which gives you the TEYLT qualification you will have to complete the 120hr Comprehensive
In-class TESOL course at the institute first, as practical experience in an EFL context is a necessity.


NB! Your assignments will be graded as much on your use of the English language as it is on the content. Be sure to pay close attention to your use of English as poorly written assignments will result in low marks or a failed assignment.

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TESOL SOUTH AFRICA - 56 / 66 Main Rd, Claremont, Cape Town   +27 (0) 21 674-4118

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